
Large crushing ratio hammer crusher

General hammer crusher crushing ratio of 10 to 15, high up to 30 or more, large crushing ratio hammer crusher crusher addition to the general characteristics, for bulk

materials, you can not go through crushing, directly into the crusher obtain small particle size and uniform product,vibrating screen design ratio of up to 100 or more, is a time to make up

the bulk material crushing models, thus simplifying the material crushing process links, saving manpower and resources, reducing the cost of the product consumption.

Ingestion of bulk materials can achieve a complete break into coarse crushing purpose of grinding to create the conditions to increase the yield. The device structure is divided

into coarse crushing cavity chamber and broken, smaller particle size material into the machine directly into the mouth after the crushing chamber, coarse bulk materials are

first broken in the cavity by the high-speed rotation of the hammer blow broken into small pieces , then enter the crushing chamber is crushed into a fine powder or hammer,

sieve through the discharge gap discharge. This will mining screen complete the same institutions that will break the material from coarse to fine the entire process. The device is

discharging sieve full discharge, simple operation.

