
What is the process of crushing ratio and crushing machine

A) crushing ratio measure crusher crushing effect, commonly broken than this concept. Crusher broken ratio is the raw material particle size and accuracy of the product after

crushing ratio. It indicates the extent of crushed material decreases. Crushing ratio are the following calculation methods. 1) material with a broken front

Maximum size and the maximum size of the crushed product ratio calculation i = Dmax / dmax where Dmax - maximum size of material before crushing; dmax - maximum particle size

after crushing materials. As national habits, the maximum size value in different ways. Anglo-American to pass 80% of the material

Sieve mesh width of the maximum particle size diameter of our country and the former Soviet Union with 95% of the material through the sieve of mesh width of maximum particle

size diameter. 2) crusher feed opening width and effective discharge opening width ratio of i = 0.85B / b where B --- crusher feed opening width; b ---

Crusher <discharge opening width; 0.85-assurance crusher bite the effective width of the material feeding system. The value of the width of the discharge opening, take the

largest coarse crusher discharge opening width; take the smallest in the crusher discharge opening width. The crushing ratio calculated with very convenient, is not always

possible due to the production

For a large number of materials for sieve analysis, but the use of this formula, just know that the crusher feed opening and the discharge opening width reduction ratio can be

calculated. It is worth noting that some double roller crusher, not by the size of their nesting nesting population size to decide. 2) with an average particle size calculated i = Dcp / dcp


Dcp-crushed material in front of an average diameter; dcp-average diameter of crushed material. This method is obtained crushing ratio, can more truly reflect the degree of

fragmentation, and thus it is often used in theoretical research. (2) crushing process ore into bars screen a first pre-screening, which

Sample fine grade ore can be separated, thus reducing crusher load. Sieve material into the gyratory crusher two years, after crushing, the resulting product with the 1st

undersize material fell on shaker 3, after sieving, sieve the material into the cone crusher (referred to as the crusher) ,

Sieve shaker material fell 5. Discharged from crusher 4 products also fell shaker 5. After sieving, the sieve material re-entering the crushing cone crusher (short Crusher)

inside. Thus, the vibrating screen 5 is to check both screening and pre-screening, sieving the role check is broken

Nesting sieving machine, roughly equal to the size of its pre-screening sieve sieve size. Sieve material into the crushing machine failed six of its products to return to the

vibrating screen 5, and fall into the hopper under the screen qualified seven years, and then into the ball mill 8. Shaker 5 Rejected materials on re-entering the crushing

Machine 6. This process, the crushing machine for the closed-circuit crushing cycle? Tibia Xing Jiao  Philippine hazel  fertilizer spinulosa P  Chek flutter flutter

flutter hazel   Huan Wen Wen Huai flutter Starling Starling ㄒ  V Hing hazel ? Sec broken (secondary broken), three-stage crushing machine is broken (tertiary crushing).

The entire process can also be called crushing

Segment, broken segments, crushing section and the mold broken segments.

