
Screening machine to achieve synchronous operation is the goal of their industry

        It is understood that circular vibrating screen mathematical model for dynamic analysis. Let sieve centroid in x, y coordinate origin 0, only along the x, y-axis

vibration in the x, y plane without rotation. Vibration system in accordance with established principles of motion Alembert differential equations, at any moment acting on the

sieve on the inertial force, damping force, elastic force and the centrifugal force of the force is zero. Therefore, building sand production line can be used. Kinetic analysis

of linear horizontal screen - two degrees of freedom vibration system.
        Linear vibrating sieve vibrator has two eccentric mass, the work reverse constant rotation, and two eccentric mass and equal eccentricity. In the vibration direction,

the exciting force of the centrifugal force generated by two of the eccentric mass and; vibration in the vertical direction, the force is zero. Thus, the vibration screening

machine direction of reciprocating linear or nearly linear vibrations. In the self-synchronous linear vibrating screen, in fact, between the two eccentric mass, damping

differences that exist, the motor drive characteristics are also minor differences.

       Therefore, the starting process in a shaker, the two eccentric mass is often not completely symmetrical in position, and there is a phase angle difference. However, since

the vibration direction of the vibration acceleration around the center of gravity and the oscillating sieve acceleration of the inertia force generated, will form a chase and

chase torque forces, the two eccentric mass produce chase procedure, and ultimately the synchronous operation of the Vibrating screen. The mathematical model of this motion.

Assuming the quality of the vibration shaker focus on the center of gravity, by the coordinates x and y to determine the movement of the plane of movement.

