
Cause weighfeeder factors of error

     Governor weighfeeder by the scale body and a controller , the controller accepts the scene scale body load pressure sensor signal and speed sensor speed signal processing,

in actual use , the Crusher machine speed signal can generally reflect the actual scale body speed , low failure rate .

Therefore, the feeder , the measurement accuracy depends on the scale body load signal accuracy . Silo material level , the belt is running friction material humidity,

temperature and belt tension have directly or indirectly affect the size and direction of the belt Mobile crushing plant tension variations , resulting in the actual load

Away from the calibration load , directly affecting feeder metering accuracy .
    More varieties of feed ingredients in the case that the number of over 12 silos , even when adjusted feeder model , speed, it is difficult to control in 6min completed

within the ingredients, so to consider configure two batching scales . Two scales simultaneously ingredients, aniseed into a large scale, small material into the small

Scale, not only can greatly shorten the batching time , but also improve batching accuracy , help to improve feed quality and yield , reduce energy consumption. Weighfeeder

ensure accurate dosing , batching shorten the time .

